The AAD has requested that state societies inform our members of the American Academy of Dermatology coronavirus preparedness measures for the upcoming Annual Meeting in Denver:

Please read below…

March 2, 2020


The American Academy of Dermatology’s 2020 Annual Meeting is scheduled to take place as planned March 20-24, 2020 in Denver, Colorado. Registration is strong and the AAD is taking all necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of attendees. We want to assure everyone planning to attend the AAD Annual Meeting that their health, safety, and security is our top priority. We will be providing membership regular updates on the meeting as our environment changes.

The American Academy of Dermatology’s leadership team is actively evaluating developments concerning COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus, and staying abreast of updates from health organizations responsible for tracking and responding to the virus, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

How we are preparing
While the CDC notes that immediate risk from COVID-19 is low, the AAD is prepared to respond rapidly to any issues that arise during the meeting and provide assistance to all attendees. We are taking the following actions to prepare:

Enhancing communications — In addition to website and email notification, AAD will communicate any change in status of the meeting through push notifications for all attendees who download the AAD’s Annual Meeting app (soon to be available).
Increasing the number of hand-sanitizing stations placed throughout the convention center. Location maps for all stations are included in the meeting app under the “health and safety” icon and will be clearly indicated via additional signage throughout the center.

Ensuring that medical care is readily available to address immediate health care concerns of attendees. In addition to first aid stations regularly available during the Annual Meeting, a nursing station will be specifically designated for anyone exhibiting flu-like symptoms. This station will triage care to local health care facilities as needed.

Adhering to all guidance and recommended safety measures issued by the WHO, CDC, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and local health organizations, including:
CDC’s health care protocols for management of COVID-19 by state and local health departments updated as of January 2020.
WHO’s recently released Key Planning Recommendations for Mass Gatherings in the Context of the Current COVID-19 Outbreak.

Actively encouraging attendees to take common-sense precautions and follow CDC guidelines to prevent the spread of illness.
Following CDC recommendations and protocols for heightened cleanliness at event facilities.
Working with the Colorado Convention Center, the Denver International Airport Authority, and area hotels to coordinate appropriate safety procedures. We have received the following statements on the status of their preparations:

Denver International Airport is relaying this information to our team:
Denver International Airport (DIA) is currently not on the list of airports considered a high risk from the CDC. DIA routinely plans and prepares for these type threats on an ongoing basis. They routinely plan and prepare for health threats (including the flu) and maintain a very clean/sanitized facility of all “high touch” areas of the airport including the train. The airport is fully prepared and has run through quarantine simulations with other local agencies.

The Colorado Convention Center issued this statement to the AAD about its policy:
The Colorado Convention Center adheres to the recommendations set forth in the U.S. EPA’s Emerging Pathogen Policy regarding cleaning disinfectants effective against the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). For the latest information on 2019-nCoV, please refer to the CDC website. All staff and EMS/first aid office personnel have been briefed and are prepared to handle any incident. They are well connected with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and are trained to follow appropriate protocol and notify all health department officials. The Housekeeping Team has been reminded to clean all “high-touch” surfaces every day — High touch surfaces include all door handles, door knobs, push bars, counters, tabletops, benches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, and tablets.

The AAD is taking COVID-19 seriously and is fully engaged and prepared to host a successful Annual Meeting in Denver. We encourage attendees to monitor the CDC website for additional information and follow the WHO’s Travel Advice as they consider their travel arrangements to the AAD Annual Meeting, as well as its recommendations for protecting themselves from an infection. In addition, we are closely monitoring all travel alerts issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

We will continue to update you via, email, and the Annual Meeting app. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the AAD at 866-503-SKIN (7546) or via our website.

Additional resources

World Health Organization Twitter: @WHO
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Twitter: @CDCgov
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Twitter: @ECDC_EU
AMA Resource Center for Physicians