Advocacy updates
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New Law Overhauls Health Insurers Step Therapy Protocols
After a late push by supporters at the end of the 132nd General Assembly, a proposal to set restrictions on health insurers' step therapy protocols has reached the end of the legislative process. The measure was folded into separate legislation that would allow...
Step Therapy Media: Columbus Dispatch The Columbus Dispatch Bill would streamline prescription relief for patients By Catherine Candisky The Columbus Dispatch Nov 13, 2018 Physicians and patient advocates are...
Share Your Voice regarding Compounding
The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) is currently revising its standards in its General Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding – Sterile Preparations. These standards are considered for adoption by incorporation by state pharmacy boards, CMS, CDC, and The...
November Step Therapy Update
The Ohio Step Therapy Coalition is anticipating a huge battle going into Lame Duck Session next week with the health plans to try to get the bills passed before the end of the year. Below are the key messages that our coalition needs to continue to use so that the...
UPDATE: Ohio Step Therapy Coalition
Ohio Step Therapy Coalition, Please remember that for our August and September efforts to reach Ohio lawmakers on step therapy reforms, we have a great tool on the website, to help advocates reach their state representatives and senators. ...
STATE SOCIETY MEMBERS CAN NOW TAKE ACTION – Comment on CMS’s 2019 Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule
Comment on CMS’s 2019 Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule On July 12, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its 2019 proposed Medicare Fee Schedule. In addition to overhauling payment and documentation for evaluation and management (E/M) codes, CMS...
of the people we serve.
We’re stronger together.
Meet our lobbyist:
Monica Hueckel