Comment on CMS’s 2019 Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule

On July 12, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its 2019 proposed Medicare Fee Schedule. In addition to overhauling payment and documentation for evaluation and management (E/M) codes, CMS proposed cuts to payments when modifier 25 is used. Under this proposal, payment would be cut by 50% on the lowest cost service when an E/M and a procedure are billed on the same day. This is significant, and especially bad for specialties like dermatology, rheumatology, and podiatry that, by nature of their work, use modifier 25 frequently. In fact, the AADA estimates this change by itself would represent an 11% cut in reimbursement to dermatology.

CMS is accepting comments on the proposed rule through September 10th, and your perspective as a physician can make a big difference. You can access a pre-written letter to contact CMS with your thoughts on the rule and cuts to modifier 25 reimbursement at the link below. Personalized comments have the highest impact on their decision making process, so we encourage you to introduce yourself and add information about how this rule will uniquely impact your practice, your patients, and your state.

TAKE ACTION: Tell CMS to Withdraw Modifier 25 Payment Reduction Policy


Thank you for taking action and being a part of this important movement. If you have difficulty accessing the comment letter, please contact Susie Dumond, AADA Grassroots Specialist, at