Ohio State Board of Pharmacy – TDDD inspection Guid

The pharmacy board recently published a 58-page inspection guide for Terminal Distributor of Dangerous Drugs (TDDD) Clinics and Prescriber Offices. Due to the complex nature of the TDDD license structure and the pharmacy board’s ability to inspect a physician’s office...

AAD Advisory Board Resolutions – Due February 1st

AAD Advisory Board Resolutions: If there is an issue of interest and/or concern, now is your opportunity to submit a resolution from which an official Academy position might arise. To ensure full consideration, all resolutions must be received by February 1st. Please...

UPDATE: Cosmetology Rule

On December 11th, the ODA issued an ODA ALERT regarding the updated Cosmetology Rules, which stated that the cosmetology board accepted the comments of the OSMA and ODA and elected to retain the proposed rule language that we supported that clearly identifies the...